Fusion Boutique is a women's clothing store that retails Canadian Designers. We are committed to supporting independent fashion and a unique shopping experience.


Fusion Boutique is have a sale!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

What a Difference a Year Makes! Fusion Boutique is One Year Old!!

Fusion Boutique is one year old!! I can't believe it has been one year of business already. I wanted to feature today the Before and After pictures of Fusion Boutique. I also wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of my family and friends for all of their love and support this year, I would not have made it through without you ... Thank you.

This was our beginning. We started construction on August 12th 2005. The space before us was a PITA PIT. We had to gut the entire space and start over.

Even the duct work had to come down to be cleaned.

This was our renovation chaos. Lots of work has already been done on the space. We had to take down walls, re stucco and paint the ceiling, paint all the walls, and try to get that "pita pit" smell out. And that was just a Monday. It was a very busy time. I could have never survived without the help of my family! I apologize for the bad picture but I was using a disposable camera that got completely covered in dust!

This was our partial set up. Things were starting to come together and look like Baseline Fusion!

This was the way Baseline Fusion looked until January 2006. We finally had the energy to finish up all the little things.


The store is complete and looking great! Just one year later and a huge difference.

Baseline Fusion is a great mix of women's designer clothing and music. It provides a unique shopping experience.

It is very difficult to sum up a year in a post. It has been one of the most challenging and rewarding years of my life. I once again would like to say thank you to all my family and friends for their love and support. I hope this year is the first of many, many more!

Fusion Boutique
75 Macdonell St
Guelph, ON


Dr. Melissa West said...

Congratulations on one whole year Jewell! I am so proud of you! You totally rock for living an authentic life that is totally fulfilling your passions. If only the world was more filled with people living their passion on purpose. You are an inspiration.

Dr. Melissa West said...

p.s. can you say totally twice in one sentence? that was like so valley girl, omg!

fusion boutique said...

Hey Melissa
Thanks it has been a pretty insane year but great! I didn't even realize I was pulling the valley girl oops!

Dr. Melissa West said...

You weren't Jewell, I was. I read my post over and realized I said totally two times in one sentence! LOL!